Speaking for Stacy Korn and the rest of the volunteer organizers for WONDER WOMAN DAY, I’m happy to say that we are on our way to amassing a great collection of original art for auction this year. Our NJ event benefits S.A.F.E. in Hunterdon as we have done for the past four years. When Stacy […] Read more…

Yet more attacks on my network!

If you’ve seen this evening’s tweets (21-Aug-2010), you’ll see my schizophrenic change from asking about how sex is depicted in fiction into a rapid rant about my netbook being under attack. Mind you, just this morning, I was concerned for my Facebook account because I got an obviously suspicious redirect when trying to view my […] Read more…

Why I didn’t go to art school

In 1989, I was in my last year of high school. Madonna was top of the charts. Jack Nicholson was squirting Michael Keaton with Joker venom. There was still a Yugoslavia (has that reformed again?). And I was toying with the idea of going to art school. I found the mock ups in the attic. […] Read more…

Alice galleries updated!

The public and restricted galleries for ALICE IN WONDERLAND have been updated! I honestly thought I did this months ago. I don’t know where my brain was. Too much of the rabbit’s “special tea,” I guess. John Hudson did way more than take pictures for this shoot. He provided the dress, socks, and all the […] Read more…