I really have been devoting way too much time to checking every single profile of a friend request that comes in through Facebook. It bothers me that people can’t sometimes even upload a profile picture but I’m supposed to be “friends” when I share everything. There are also tons that have only a few friends […] Read more…
There isn’t much I can say to express how grateful we are in New Jersey to be receiving art donations from Adam Hughes and Allison Sohn. They’ve supported us time and again to raise money during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Read more…
There’s nothing wrong with redesigning the characters to keep them more aligned with current era, but so far, I haven’t seen a really good revisions yet. Read more…
I’ll be an official guest at the Great Allentown Comic Con on Oct 30th! When not helping with costuming you can find me at Jay Fife’s booth. http://allentowncomiccon.com/guests.html Read more…