AMBER LOVE 22-AUG-2013 If  you didn’t know, consider yourself informed, that there is an International GoTopless Day. It’s held every year usually the last Sunday of August or as near to August 26th as possible because the 26th is Women’s Equality Day. and their movement hold protests, cover news, educate, and lobby to allow women equal clothing optional rights as men. This includes but is not limited to beaches, public places, and breastfeeding. The show is tasteful and “safe” for general audiences but the pics below obviously and subsequent links you might want to look at on non-employer network.
GoTopless Day is AUGUST 25, 2013! Check the site to find a protest in your area.
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LARA TERSTENJAK joined me on the show for about an hour to talk about GoTopless. This organization was founded after a spiritual leader heard of the arrest of Phoenix Feeley in New York where being topless is actually not illegal but Phoenix was wrongly arrested; she sued and won $29,000 in damages. Later Phoenix was arrested again, this time in New Jersey when she dared to bare her breasts on a public beach, violating New Jersey law. Eventually her punishment was reduced to 16 days in jail. Phoenix staged a hunger strike and was released after 10 days. She is the Guest of Honor at this year’s GoTopless protest in New York City on August 25th.
Since my loyal Vodkateers are part of the nerd subcultures, I managed to throw in a little bit about comics and how female characters are portrayed. I hope everyone listening realizes that I want to emphasize it is getting better! More respect has been coming to female independent creators and characters. There are loud examples of failure but if you spend even one day on Twitter, you’ll see all the positive feminism from fans of all genders speak up about what they want to see in their comics.
The campaign strongly encourages new thought about desexualizing breasts but also points out that a male chest can be equally as sexy/sexually provocative as a woman’s. It doesn’t make sense why the laws vary state to state either. Underboob may be ok but the couple oval inches of the nipple are stigmatized. Check the GoTopless Boob Map get more information about your state’s laws.
Breastfeeding Laws
Phoenix Feeley
If you didn’t know, I have my own alternate Twitter account so that people can choose to not have my boobs in their feed on my regular @elizabethamber account. Follow the other at @ToplessAmber.