Amber Love

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Vodka O'Clock Podcast. Author of The Farrah Wethers Mysteries, comic book short stories, prose, and non-fiction. Cosplayer and figure model.

Art School Modeling

I was recently contracted by a group of local artists that meet at an art school in South Pittsburgh. Last night was my first evening of modeling for their life drawing session. They’re an incredibly nice bunch of patient folks. We worked for 2 hours. I did only two long 45-minute poses, getting breaks as […] Read more…

Update on the Technology Issues & News

Thank you for your patience as I lose more of my sanity trying to rebuild my computer. The good news is my files were recovered; the bad news is not all the files are cooperating and able to be opened. Vista has files in directories; I move them but they don’t move to where I […] Read more…

System Failure!

My computer was attacked rather badly last night. At least three malware programs infected it down through the registry. I thought Vista + a reputable antivirus protected me against such things but I have lost everything! Every file. Every review. Every photo. Every video. I have some things on cd and very few things on […] Read more…

Japanese Influence at Cosplay Deviants

The latest sets at Cosplay Deviants highlight a playful Japanese influence to American pop culture. While a good portion of that influence has branched off into what’s called “Lolita” and entails adapting a little girl charm with a grown woman’s body; these new sets at CosDev maintain a more traditional and innocent look. The ladies’ […] Read more…