AMBER LOVE 17-DEC-2018 Catch up on Year One and previous Year Two cases at the Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency. This work is supported by the generous backers who adore my cat stories at and they also get first access to what’s happening with my books and podcast. For a one-time tip, you can go to the new
Where we left off:
In the last case file we looked into more evidence of the hybrid offspring of white-tailed deer and Jersey demons called devil-deer.
The Crow
On December 1, 2018, Gus and I ventured outside to enjoy the bit of sunshine that graced us. It was a predominantly gloomy early winter so far so any bit of sun was something we wanted to enjoy to the fullest.
We had been focused on the new sets of hoof tracks through the property (see case file no. 31-83 “Man Made Monsters”). The tracks led us around the old war fort. We got to the north side and along the forest. This is one of Gus’ favorite places to cut over the border of the property line because there is some excellent tree climbing on the other side.
I let him sniff around as long as he stayed close to me. He spotted a squirrel and darted for one of the enormous trees at the border. I ran behind him and stopped at the embankment at the base of the tree. Gus did not stand a chance of getting near the squirrel so I wasn’t concerned about that. While standing there, he walked around the tree to see if there was a better way up, but I noticed something odd that he walked over.

I got even closer and bent down. There was definitely weird under the leaves! I moved the leaves and twigs around and uncovered a crow. Not a living crow — at least not anymore.
It’s a majestic statue of a large crow with a spike at the bottom perfect for impaling into the ground. It’s made a durable magical material that has kept it in tact for possibly centuries (maybe even millennia).
The cook and I are fond of crows. We don’t have any reason to be annoyed at them when they come to the yard like some folks who have crops that the crows could damage. We love them here and invite them to stay especially at the fairy garden.

I let Gus examine this unusual piece of evidence. He told me to take more pictures, but to leave it outside so it can be appreciated. I figured if it had held up to weather this long, it was going to be fine more properly displayed in the fairy garden.
We also decided to leave some peanuts for an offering at the fairy house for the crow god even though we weren’t sure yet which deity it was. It could have been for the Morrigan or maybe something else. Our unveiling, display, and offering must have been greatly appreciated because that night the god came to life!
The Morrígan is often considered a triple goddess, but her supposed triple nature is ambiguous and inconsistent. Sometimes she appears as one of three sisters, the daughters of Ernmas: the Morrígan, the Badb and Macha. Sometimes the trinity consists of the Badb, Macha and Nemain, collectively known as the Morrígan, or in the plural as the Morrígna. Occasionally Fea or Anu also appear in various combinations. However the Morrígan also frequently appears alone, and her name is sometimes used interchangeably with the Badb, with no third ‘aspect’ mentioned.
The Morrígan is usually interpreted as a ‘war goddess’: W. M. Hennessey’s ‘The Ancient Irish Goddess of War,’ written in 1870, was influential in establishing this interpretation. Her role often involves premonitions of a particular warrior’s violent death, suggesting a link with the Banshee of later folklore. This connection is further noted by Patricia Lysaght: ‘In certain areas of Ireland this supernatural being is, in addition to the name banshee, also called the badhb’.
Witches of the Craft
The crow looked around to get its bearings then began flying in circles over the neighborhood. Gus and I couldn’t wait to tell Oliver Winchester when we got back inside. Oliver didn’t know what to make of it yet either. We didn’t know if the crow was going to come back.
The next day, we went out for another walk and the statue was back where we had displayed it in the fairy garden. You would never have been able to tell that it moved no less flew away.
Case Findings:
Status: Closed
We’ll continue to keep the statue, and hence the Morrigan, welcomed in our yard. We’ll put out offerings on occasion and keep an eye out for dead warriors.