Here are a couple of test shots of an idea that I had for DC Comics’ Zatanna. She’s a great character to tackle: she’s magical, she’s playful, she loves to perform for audiences, she loves Batman and let’s not forget that her magic is quite powerful. From a design standpoint, I’ve always loved Zee’s elegance. […] Read more…
This isn’t about your typical charity fundraiser. It’s not one of those tax-deductible sort of things. However, it would mean a lot to folks involved including myself. I’m the spokesmodel for the Guns of Shadow Valley comic book which is online and completely free at The comic is the blood, sweat and tears of […] Read more…
The latest sets at Cosplay Deviants highlight a playful Japanese influence to American pop culture. While a good portion of that influence has branched off into what’s called “Lolita” and entails adapting a little girl charm with a grown woman’s body; these new sets at CosDev maintain a more traditional and innocent look. The ladies’ […] Read more…
My etsy shop has been neglected for several months but I’d like to draw attention to my crazy version of Harley Quinn. I need to attend the Comic Con International in San Diego this year so that I can be the +1 of Dave Wachter whose comic, the Guns of Shadow Valley has been nominated […] Read more…