Can you guess?

It’s going to take many hours of editing so I don’t have much to share, but here are a couple of pictures from last weekend’s photoshoot with Mike at the Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh. Now, just from these couple images, can you guess the theme I was going for? Some interesting guesses came in and […] Read more…

Kunoichi at CosDev

This is one of the best sets you’ll see this year on Cosplay Deviants because not only is there a superbly curvaceous Asian model but there’s also that star-quality talent of model Kassandra behind the camera doing her other job as photographer in NYC. The beautiful model, CaptainBonney says this, “I feel that you should […] Read more…

Review: Madame Xanadu

Celebrate the Summer Solstice by delving into Vertigo’s trade paperback of the 2008 to present series Madame Xanadu by Matt Wagner. The title character is given a variation of lore from the Arthurian legend. As the story begins, she’s not yet “Madame Xanadu” but rather the magical nymph known as Nimue; some consider Nimue to […] Read more…