AMBER LOVE 24-JUNE-2014 I’m very happy to report all of this was fixed. They said they copied and pasted the wrong bio to my entry and they changed it from Chicago to NJ.
AMBER LOVE 22-JUNE-2014 I’m extremely upset by what has happened about the Ms. Exxxotica contest. It’s not even trolls this time. I expect trolls. Instead it’s this blatant over-the-top bio that the website pasted onto my entry for the contest that has me sick to my stomach. It’s completely fabricated and I have nothing to do with it.
Anyone who follows me on a regular basis knows that of all the qualities you could label me with, genuine is the most relevant. I do not lie about myself. I am honest and some people don’t even know what honesty is. It’s why I don’t hide my age, my weight, my history of failed relationships or my mental illness. About the only thing I will ever hide is my address at home and work because I don’t want to welcome creeps. It’s why I use the comic shop address for everything. Seriously, I am about as open as they come with my life.
That being stated as firmly as I can muster right now in my disappointment, I hope Exxxotica corrects my entry page to the one I submitted or deletes me all together. The only thing correct is that I’m from New Jersey. But I’m not some vapid immature dope bragging decades of dance experience which is how the bio sounds.
Here’s what I wrote on my entry form:
I’m likely twice as old as anyone entering. I’ve been a figure model, cheesecake model, and cosplay model for years. I’m bisexual and solo polyamorous. I’m considering taking the plunge into boy-girl porn if one of my trusted guys is able to travel to me. I believe all sex work for adults should be legitimized.
I’m the host of the  podcast of Vodka O’Clock available on iTunes, Stitcher and my own site of course. I’m a short fiction writer,  short story comic book writer, and blogger.
I have genuine curves, a spare tire, and breasts that do not defy gravity and are actually teardrop shaped as breasts should be. I recently began taking chair dancing classes to eventually build up to other fun things.
I love dressing up with corsets, steampunk goggles, maybe my custom double set of fangs, and drinking absinthe. I make delicious cocktails on the weekends. A few times a year, I dress up like a superhero and go to conventions and appear at charity events. I normally make my own costumes for superhero appearances.
I’m sure all the other contestants are more beautiful but you won’t be able to deny that I’m real and as honest as they come. I normally attend Exxxotica as Press but what the hell, throw my hat in the ring.
Here’s what they printed:
7 Comments on Clearly someone out there didn’t like my true story. #msexxxotica
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The fuck.
Did you contact them? I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that’s someone else’s bio and the streams got crossed.
But if not there’s a suit for libel here.
I emailed them as soon as I noticed yesterday. When I had first submitted, I heard back from them relatively quickly asking for a 4th photo & telling me my page was up so I don’t expect them to take too long to read my latest message. It’s like they copied someone else’s bio and just stuck my photo on it. And if that’s that real case and that bio belongs to someone else, if I were her, I’d be equally as pissed seeing the wrong name and photo.
I think the real you is more interesting.
Thank you. That means a lot.
Oh come on!!!! I haven’t visited your site in a long time, but thought the Twitter post link was interesting.I can’t believe they were dumb, or, callous enough to pull that.I agree with the response earlier, your true story is MUCH more interesting.
Thank you. I appreciate the supportive words.
I know that this is a true story but I find it hard to believe. How can anyone be that inept, stupid or uncaring. I agree with Bob your real bio much more charming and interesting. Hope they make the changes and I hope you do well in the contest.