If you’re willing to dress up for Oct 23 and/or Oct 24 for our Superhero fundraiser & Wonder Woman Day,PLEASE let me know.
The only costuming restrictions per se, are that we are avoiding any scary costumes and trying to avoid overly violent imagery since this is for Domestic Violence Awareness Month and our local d.v. shelter. I’ll be dressed as Wonder Woman for the Official Wonder Woman Day part of the event which is Sunday, Oct.24. If you want to do some sort of alternate version of Wonder Woman, like the armored version, the new Jim Lee version or Hippolyta, that would be welcome. We’re usually lucky to have some little shoppers come as Wonder Girl or Wonder Tot. The kids are always the best part of any costuming event.
I’ve email the 501st garrison and hope they can appear. Plus I’d love to have some of the Rebel Legion there as well. Hopefully the Garrison Commander can help arrange all that.
To add to the excitement, the incredible Jamal Igle, Ken Haeser, Paris Cullins and Nick Mockoviak will be joining us! Come meet the guys and tell them how much you appreciate their work. And also, BID, BID, BID! If you can’t be at the NJ or Portland in person, we accept email proxies as early as October 1st and bidding officially closes 5pm (for NJ) on October 24th.
42 Main St.
Flemington, NJ 08822
Noon-5pm or whatever hours you are able to participate. We do have the “pleasure” of dealing with weather. Sometimes it’s lovely, sometimes rainy, sometimes really cold. NJ is finicky. We have a changing area.
Please shoot me an email (amberlovescomics at gmail dot com) or facebook message.