Charles P. Wilson, III has been added to our roster of artists participating in our Superhero Weekend! Charles will be one of our guests at Comic Fusion on October 24, 2010. That’s the big day when bidding on the artwork (originals and prints) ends at 5:00 pm and we’ll have lots of raffles during the day.
Charles is the distinctive artist behind the pages of THE STUFF OF LEGEND from Th3rdWorld Studios. Charles uses delicate pencilwork with tons of detail in the story set during World War II when toys come to life to save their boy who was kidnapped by The Boogeyman. (Interviews coming soon!)
Charles took some of the characters from THE STUFF OF LEGEND and created a wonderful sketch for the auction. Remember that all the proceeds from the auction will benefit S.A.F.E. in Hunterdon, a domestic violence organization in New Jersey. So if you’re a fan of Maxwell the bear, Jester, Harmony, Ducky and the Princess then be sure to place your proxy bid via email to bids@comicfusion.com. Bidding begins October 1st.