NOV, 2010 – I was tickled pink when David Probert of BLOG SOLDIERS. I’m so used to be the one conducting theinterview that whenever the roles are switched, I get flustered and nervous. Luckily this was just via text so David didn’t have to suffer with my giddiness.

Here’s just a few bits from the article. You can read the whole thing and Digg it.

What do you think makes a good blog?
Original content is the key. I don’t need regurgitated information from all the entertainment news sites although there are a few that I purposely visit and take part in because I think their sites have better visual presence (no pop ups, ease of navigation, etc.) If you don’t have anything original, then what’s the purpose of your blog? Have a neat area for the RSS headlines from the major sites, then write your own columns. I prefer short 300-500 word columns and shorter videos; once you get over six minutes you need to really be telling me something I want to know about or I’ve lost interest.

You have become well known for your cosplaying at conventions. How did you get started?
The whole thing started back in 2006 when I first started seeing ads for Stan Lee’s Who Wants to be a Superhero? I was playing City of Heroes at the time and decided that I’d be a good candidate to audition. But when it came down to it, I chickened out. I started making costumes of existing characters then.

What did it feel like the first time you were at a convention in costume?
I didn’t know what to expect; it was not only my first con in costume – it was my first con ever. My first


time was dressed as my original character, basically the superpowered version of myself. Only my friends would have a clue who I was so there wasn’t a tremendous amount of chaos. It was a small show in Pittsburgh and about 25 of us who were fans of WWTBASH got together with Feedback, the Season 1 winner. I’m still friends with all those people today and it was one of the best decisions I ever made to go there.

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