Patreon backers got to read these posts first. I documented the ups and downs of my writing during NaNoWriMo 2016 just as I had previous years. I post about writing and interview authors whenever possible so there is also the /tag/writing in the cloud to check out too. Don’t put on the brakes because this was “NaNoWriMo”. There’s writing advice, insight, and tips on setting up Scrivener no matter what month/time period you choose to write. It’s still applicable.
They include quotes to keep you going and a fair share of gifs and screenshots. I have reminders about backing up files and explanations of how I do it. Recommendations on other books about forensics and story structure. Plus some pet pictures.
- /tag/NaNoWriMo
- Interview with Jolene Haley and Brian LeTendre
- Pinterest writing board (general)
- Pinterest writing board (Misty Murder)
- Day 1 post
- Week 1 journal
- Week 2 journal
- Week 3 journal
- Week 4 journal
- Week 5 journal
- Writing in and out of your comfort zone
- More milestones, rewards, and goals
- My books
- Amazon Author Page
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