If you’re here then you know that my online home has a new name and url, amberunmasked.com. I really do appreciate all the honest feedback and suggestions that come from the online communities of friends and fans. With your votes, this new site became possible. The winning name was submitted by a fan, Scott Stafford. Scott is getting hooked up with some extra comics and pinups. Thank you!
13 Comments on The contest
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“Comics Preserved In Amber”
Brian has kinda the right idea. Your name always makes me think of Jurassic Park.
My twist on it would be:
“Comics Trapped in Amber”
LOL! Thanks, Jim! Does that mean, long after I’m gone you’ll continue to think about me?
“Comics Trapped in Amber”
I like it.
Forever Amber Comics
Wonder Woman of Comics
I dunno, I think about more.
well i kinda like “Amber Unmasked” since its more of a superhero theme and it leads well into the pin ups lol. i dont know how to check if it open but its just off the top of my head lol
Scott, so far that’s one of my favorites!
“Amber Unmasked” has my vote.
I was trying to come up with a name but when I saw that,I just don’t
think any of them worked as well as that.
I have to day that Amber Unmasked is pretty cool. I hate to vote for someone else’s idea – since I like winning – but it really works.
You could always go for something I used once upon a time but it is no longer – Beneath the Mask or personalize it with Amber – Beneath the Mask
Well here’s my throw in ‘Behind The Costume’
I looked up the domain name and it is available
behindthecostume.com is available!
My second one is ‘Behind the Amber Pages’
behindtheamberpages.com is available!
“Amber Unmasked” is really a great one!
Amber Unmasked!!!