2014 #Halloween – #Cosplay from the Closet – #BlackCanary (DC) including some nsfw
Yesterday I realized that since I purchased fishnets a couple months ago, I had everything else needed to made another BoP character BLACK CANARY. Read more…
Some content is adult/nsfw. Browse responsibly.
Yesterday I realized that since I purchased fishnets a couple months ago, I had everything else needed to made another BoP character BLACK CANARY. Read more…
A few years of Caico tolerating my whims of dressing her up in costumes. Read more…
TUTORIAL: Thorin Oakenshield Bracers made of leather and foam by GothamCityRd. Read more…
I was recruited by my friends in the STAR WARS 501st NER troops to get into some superhero gear and venture to the Jersey Shore for some community service. Read more…