There’s always more “spring” cleaning to discuss
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In Like a Lion
March is only days away. It comes to us with a Full Moon. Perhaps it’s a coincidence, but according to Lunarium my go-to astrological calendar, March 1st is the day the Moon enters Virgo. It’s a time for cleanliness and neatness — precisely what I’ve been working on throughout February’s sadhana (commitment) to saucha (purification). March is the month when Spring officially begins on the 20th in the northern hemisphere regardless of what the weather patterns have been.
A Full Moon is a time when all kinds of things seem to be “boiling over” with excess. A lot of emotions. Overflowing tasks to be done. Also, a charge of creativity and productivity. A swell of energy to get things done.
My plans to reorganize the sewing room didn’t work out exactly as expected. Apparently I can’t measure and add numbers together. I thought I could fit two new pieces of furniture where the long folding table was. Only one piece fits and it’s a lovely minimalistic white table. The sewing machine and a lamp fit on top of it. The cats can sit there to look out the room’s only window.
I got rid of a lot of stuff like fabric that wasn’t getting used (gave to a friend to pass on to her sewing friends). There were small scraps of fabric and trim that were never going to be used for anything, but I kept as “reference” for past projects. I do have a couple boxes of swatches and print outs of costumes in file folders but I think that’s pretty organized.

The second piece of furniture arrived and was assembled (with feline assistance) in the bedroom instead of the sewing room since it wouldn’t fit. I replaced the old, warped bookcase which was being used for books, magickal supplies, my makeshift altar since my “real one” is still in storage, and a cat ledge. This new cubby chest makes that area look much cleaner. I moved the cat tower over one window to be be next to the serenity fountain; Gus doesn’t seem to like it there.
I’ve kept up with vacuuming and laundry, but dusting hasn’t been going so well. I could dust every single day here. It’s a dusty house. It comes out of nowhere. The second a surface is wiped off, it begins again and an hour later could be wiped off. With my allergies it’s important that dusting is done regularly though. When I do it, I end up taking Benadryl and losing half a day to that. It still needs to be done.
I also did a little more in environmental saucha — picking up litter on the neighbor’s property. It’s sad, but the surviving spouse is being moved to a nursing home far away. It’s what’s best for him. He needs constant care. Over the weekend Gus and I tried to explore more of the land and instead of climbing over the rocks to the ridge, we headed to the ravine below. We didn’t make it far. Apparently it’s been used as a landfill for decades. There were too many dangerous metal and glass objects so I called Gus back to me and we climbed out.
March is also the end of Daylight Savings Time (what a crock that we still do this). Then it ends as it began. March 31st is a Blue Moon! Not the rare Super Blue Blood Moon of February, but a regular Blue Moon. Still wonderful. Two Full Moon nights in a one month bookends us with surges of productivity.
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