The Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency:
The Case of the Roughed-Up Rodent
It’s my first time helming a Kickstarter on my own. I’ve had stories in books that were funded, but this is my first comic book one-shot.
I’m more than happy to talk about it on your podcast. Drop me an email at amberlovescomics at gmail.
The Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency: The Case of the Roughed-Up Rodent is all ready to be printed. This campaign is designed to recover costs, unlock milestones, and secure some stock for appearances.
In this 22-page one-shot, private detectives Oliver Winchester and Guster Nabu investigate an attack on Shrewise Peete, a local critter. The humans, Amber and Joe, take Ollie and Gus out to the neighborhood where they can talk to informants and friends to gather information about this crime.
In this 22-page one-shot, private detectives Oliver Winchester and Guster Nabu investigate an attack on Shrewise Peete, a local critter. The humans, Amber and Joe, take Ollie and Gus out to neighborhood where they can talk to informants and friends to gather information about this crime.
Meet the Team:
I’m Amber Love, a writer from New Jersey. I’ve been published in projects with Northwest Press, Red Stylo Media, Shelly Bond, and Steve Bryant’s Athena Voltaire: Pulp Tales. She also writes mystery novels when possible. Now entering the seventh year, I write up the weekly case files of Oliver and Gus from their adventures outside in nature and inside a haunted Colonial house.
Margaret “Ciera” Blane drew and colored the art. She who lets her art speak for itself. Instagram @w_f_blane.
Haley Rose-Lyon did all the lettering and page designs. She is a middle-school drama award winner, writer of things, editor of stuff, dog-mom, human-wife, and impassioned comics letterer. She’s lettered for Image Comics, Legendary Comics, Dead Reckoning, and a slew of lovely small-press publishers.
Ismael Franco designed the Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency logo. He has also created some special pages for this project that I hope will be unlocked!