Amber Love 19-JULY-2012 My guests today are talking about charity events in which costumed guests appear to assist in bringing awareness to causes, having fun, and the reasons why it’s helpful. There are events linked here in the notes if you are interested in appearing as a superhero/villain such as NJ’s Superhero Weekend. There are a lot of great tips in the show about what you need to think about when organizing a cosplay event.
Download on iTunes or listen here.
* Start – ODC cosplayers needed in Lancaster
* 10:00 – 501st interview
The audio is a lot quieter when I call phone numbers and not record skype-to-skype. I boosted as much as seemed reasonable without distorting the heck out of it.
Starting off the discussion is Cheryl Kmiecik, Public Relations and Development Manager of Lancaster’s Occupational Development Center. This center is non-profit and provides job training for adults with developmental disabilities. The ODC annual party,Super Hero Summer Picnic Extravaganza is scheduled for Friday, August 3rd-rain or shine.
Cheryl is also looking for a video engineer who would volunteer to create a highlight reel of superhero movies as an introduction before the cosplayers enter the crowd.
“A lot of the individuals like all the movies and feel like they can tackle the world when they have their own powers. I feel they think it’s important because they’re there to save the day. The individuals look up to them for that reason.” ~CK
Below is Cheryl’s contact information if you are able to attend the picnic as a superhero:
Cheryl Kmiecik
Public Relations & Development Manager
Occupational Development Center
640 Martha AVE
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 397-4269

The bulk of the episode is a conversation with James Hannon, PR contact for the Northeast Remnant of the STAR WARS 501st costuming garrison. This is by far the largest organized group of cosplayers in the world. They have the acceptance of George Lucas and Lucasfilm. They are completely volunteer and spend thousands of their own dollars on their screen-accurate costumes from the original STAR WARS trilogy, the prequel trilogy, and the currently running ATTACK OF THE CLONES animated series as well as provisions for the extended SW universe seen in the comics and novels. To be a member, the costume has to be high quality; no Halloween superstore costumes-in-a-bag here.
Don’t forget to learn how to make my 501st inspired cocktail, the Gold Bikini Martini!
James was kind enough to gather all sorts of video links and statistics on the 501st:
9,507Â Costumes as of 07/17/2012.
5,846 Active Members as of 07/17/2012.
2,407 are Stormtroopers!
James putting on the TIE pilot costume
A good clip of the Vacuforming process (That James says he sadly narrated from home) from the 501st NER up at the Watch City Armory
The 501st NER at a Library Event
501st LINKS:
- * Worldwide 501st
- * Northeast 501st Garrison
- * NER’s Twitter
- * NER’s Facebook
- * James Hannon’s official site for information about his books and projects
The NER calendar:
* Past Troops:
Jersey Shore Roller Girls – Asbury Park, NJ – June 9, 2012
ECG:Cradle of Aviation Museum LI,NY – 06/16/12
Caldwell Public Library – Caldwell NJ – June 23, 2012
Bradley Beach Library Event – Saturday, June 30, 2012
Lakewood Library Visit – July 5, 2012
Star Wars Camp at the Library – Toms River, NJ Tuesday July 10th 2012
Microsoft Store – Freehold – Star Wars Day – Freehold Raceway Mall, NJ July 14th, 2012
Atlantic County Library – Galloway, NJ – Monday, July 16, 2012
Intrepid Space Week – February
* Future Troops:
Comic Cons, classified events, TV shows
Manchester Library Event – Thurs July 19th 2012
Scotch Plains Library Event – Friday, July 20, 2012 – 7:30 pm
Lacey Library Event – Saturday July 21st. 11am-2pm
Quick Check Festival of Ballooning – Readington – July 27-29
Chrome Riders for Cooper Hospital – Saturday, July 28th, 2012 – Mullica Hill, NJ
Star Wars Fun at the Library: Ocean County Library – Little Egg Harbor Branch – Tuesday July 31, 2012
Family Star Wars Spectacular – Long Valley, NJ – August 4, 2012
Somerset Patriots – Bridgewater, NJ – August 13, 2012
Rockin for Autism – Mays Landing, NJ – August 18, 2012
Star Wars Night with the Blue Rocks – Wilmington, DE – Saturday August 18th 2012
Cape May Library – Cape May – August 22, 2012
Camden Riversharks Baseball Game Star Wars Night 2012 – Saturday, August 25, 2012
Superhero Weekend – Flemington, NJ Sat & Sun October 6th-7th, 2012
Eatontown Library Event – Wednesday, Nov. 14th.