The Comic Geek Speak Supershow (CGSSS) #2 was a long time coming. The geeks had decided to bump the date back to March 27-28, 2010 so that it would coincide with the show’s 5 year anniversary. I think we can all agree waiting a year and a half was well worth it. It was one of the best little cons, if not THE best little con, out there.
All the guests were top of the line and ranged from legendary to up and coming indie. Names like Walt and Louise Simonson were right down the aisle from my friends at Mumblepuss. Indie comics certainly ruled the room in the company of Katie Cook, David Peterson, Dave Wachter, Fred Chao and Dave Dwonch just to name a handful. There was a full slate of artists and writers representing all the different genres from horror to hero.
It was generally a kid-friendly show and there were family based titles to learn about. For example, Katie Cook is working on the new Fragglerock comic and “Justice” Joe Sergi has a comic called Sky Girl with his own kindergarten aged daughter to be his costumed spokesmodel. And Harold Jennett shared his table with daughter Halle who was doing well selling her own sketches for $1.
The 501st Star Wars garrison was in full force as well which was great to see. They’re 7-ft tall Chewie marched the room keeping Darth Vader and all the storm troopers in check. One intimidating red Imperial Guard loomed in a corner only taking slow deliberate steps. The 501st had their own panel on Saturday and one of their members joined me for the costuming panel on Sunday. Costuming isn’t really a big thing at Supershow; there were several kids, myself and the 501st dressed up (unless you count Kat Rocha in her pink prom gown and tiara). I hope that after this year’s panels on the subject, it might give people more courage to delve into costuming for future shows. If it’s one thing the 501st is great for, it’s showing all the different alternatives to people who might not be comfortable donning skin tight spandex.
The CGS cast has also been grateful all these years for the dedication of their supporters. They show this with an awards ceremony called the Freking Sweers. Winners Dave Dwonch, Shawn Pryor, Chris from Wild Pig Comics, and Jason the “show”ffer were among the people that volunteer their time, energy, and often their bank accounts to make this convention the best experience possible and educate the public on the comic book industry with unrelenting public relations. Hopefully I haven’t left anyone out.
I wasn’t taking notes during the con and captured little on video. I hope to get some editing done soon. I asked rather off the wall questions to the people I ran into. They were asking for it. You can’t have J.K. Woodward and Mike Norton singing a love song during karaoke and not riff on it the next morning. And boy was Sunday morning rough. Saturday was bad enough. I adventured out into Reading to fetch coffee for myself, Dave Wachter and Gabriel Hardman. By Sunday morning, the all-night party activity was evident when several of the creators weren’t at their tables until noon. Speaking of Mike Norton and Gabe Hardman, I have to say they were the two new connections that really had an impact on my enjoyment of the show along with Brent Schoonover and Andy Jewett whom I only knew through twitter hijinx. Spending time with all my friends would have been enough for sure, but making new connections is always energizing. I only wish Gabe’s wife Corrina could have been there because she sounds like a fascinating person.
Surpringly, the “CGS Glee Club” karaoke was a success as well. I was really worried about that. First we had to make all sorts of arrangements to rent the machine, which didn’t come with a monitor; Adam Murdough was kind enough to haul one of his televisions to the Third and Spruce upstairs loft for us. Jon Carroll picked up the machine and helped me k-jay the whole night with the delightful emm cee’ing of Kyle Minor who hailed all the way from California to geek out. CGS host Brian “Pants” Christman stole the night with his rendition of “Pleasant Valley Sunday” using his own CD, no lyrics to be displayed on the monitor, and everyone on their feet singing and cheering. Mario Muscar and Chad Cicconi’s celebratory “Country Roads” got the entire upper deck singing along as well; something about a West Virginia sporting event that night… I don’t know but I love me some John Denver.
My Saturday costume change into the glaring Star Sapphire costume was actually very well received. People love the lantern corps right now and I got to take pictures with the hosts of the Lanterncast podcast. It was funny that the costume change proved that donning a wig and mask can make someone unrecognizable. Several people didn’t realize that was me after seeing me in my cowgirl gear. Sunday I got to put on a more reasonable outfit and wore the Alice in Wonderland dress my mom had made for me bad in college days before I ever sewed for myself.
There are lots of pictures on facebook and people are sharing their links at
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EDIT: My Playlist for all the video coverage is here: