
CGS Supershow – wrap up

The Comic Geek Speak Supershow (CGSSS) #2 was a long time coming. The geeks had decided to bump the date back to March 27-28, 2010 so that it would coincide with the show’s 5 year anniversary. I think we can all agree waiting a year and a half was well worth it. It was one […] Read more…

CGS Supershow – the spoiler ending

To quickly report, I had a fantastic time with everyone at CGSSS. I am however suffering from the con flu now. I’ll be back in bed shortly. Hopefully I’ll have some energy to edit the video clips this week. Thanks to everyone for all the organization, carpooling, karaoke, and fun! Facebook Gallery I still have […] Read more…

CGS Supershow – the Preface

Reading, PA, here I come! I’m about to embark on a journey across the vast state of Pennsylvania heading back towards my original home. Not quite as far as New Jersey, Reading is in the east side of nowhere. Luckily, I found someone to come and stay with Caico because I was a nervous wreck […] Read more…