
Subculture Comic

For a dose of geek humor, check out Subculture Comic online or in trade paperback. Ape Entertainment’s creation by Stan Yan and Kevin Freeman includes a diverse cast of characters which most definitely includes someone to whom you can relate. I had the pleasure of modeling the ever-so stylish Subculture T-shirt yesterday at my local […] Read more…

I <3 Kirby Krackle

Death Rays. Robots. Superheroes. Girls. Wii. These are the subjects within the songs of KIRBY KRACKLE. This is a talented band that won my heart the first time I heard them on Comic Geek Speak. Read more…

Interview: Paul Gulacy

I’ve had the pleasure of blogging for in the past before the days of WordPress. Paul Gulacy is a talented artist with a lifetime of experience. I got his answers on everything from copyright litigation to comic conventions. I even got his insight on Iron Man and Jonah Hex. “I don’t even mind fans […] Read more…