I was going to save all lists for the end of the year to do my usual “Favorite Things” recap. However, things have been so argumentative in the entertainment world that gender bias is a topic seen daily in emotionally charged status updates. Read more…
I can’t remember the first OH JOY, SEX TOY comic strip I ever saw. I do remember the emotional impact it made. It resonated enough that I imprinted the name ERIKA MOEN to memory and began to keep my eyes out for more of her work. This is one of the most honest comics you’ll ever read. Read more…
The Queercopia event was hosted by Greg and Donny at the BUREAU OF GENERAL SERVICES QUEER DIVISION. Speakers for the night included: Jennie Wood, Dylan Edwards, Amber Love, Maria Burnham, and Jeff Krell. Read more…
I didn’t even realize bullying had an awareness month when Carolyn Belefski and I submitted a pitch for a comic anthology addressing this issue, now titled: RISE: COMICS AGAINST BULLYING. Read more…