
Intersectional feminism including issues important to women, families, LGBTQIA, queer, trans and PoC; equality issues; healthcare; gender gap; hiring practices; sexism; misogyny.


VODKA O’CLOCK 1430 with @SteveBryantArt on pets, the state of female characters like Athena Voltaire, & raising a son today

Today you’ll hear me with STEVE BRYANT, comic artist and creator of ATHENA VOLTAIRE. It’s one of the characters I talk about a lot because she has agency and is often compared to the likes of Indiana Jones and Lara Croft. Read more…

Preview: @ValiantComics DEATH-DEFYING DOCTOR MIRAGE (Van Meter/de la Torre/Baron) #femalelead #comics

AMBER LOVE 29-AUG-2014 I was excited when I previewed this first issue of DEATH-DEFYING DOCTOR MIRAGE. I believe it’s the first Valiant book that I ever read. To be honest, most of their material doesn’t look like the kind of stories I’m interested in for ongoing monthly reading. This clearly had a supernatural component and then […] Read more…