
Why are we so selective in saying, “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?”

Whether Kramer is at the convention personally, at the meetings making decisions or not there in any capacity, he’s cashing his checks from all the shares he owns in Dragon*Con. If this was some company like a fast food chain, software conglomerate, or a Hollywood celebrity this wouldn’t fly. Read more…

VODKA O’CLOCK 1304 conversation with Nick Dedual on ComiXology, big govt, corp greed, hacking, comics, “spy-fi”, and drones

I had an incredible conversation with Comics Experience alum, NICK DEDUAL. Of course we discussed the much buzzed about comic he wrote TORCHBEARER but we also talked about the implications of corporate greed, drone surveillance and other elements from TORCHBEARER that are relevant to today’s world. TORCHBEARER and QUANDARY are among the first beta comics to test out Comixology’s new program for indie digital comics called Submit. Read more…


Near the end of 2012 all the big book sites and small bloggers crafted their lists of “Best of 2012” and several books repeated regardless of the genre. Among them was Ellen Forney’s graphic novel memoir about her bipolar disorder and her history of decision making regarding treatment; Read more…