Month: December 2014

If you’re in the UK & like to watch or make porn there are new misogynistic rules! R18 rating unfairly defines sex acts.

New UK porn law bans all sorts of thing & seems to be written to exclude women, gay men, and the entire BDSM community. So, all you straight dudes – you can have your vanilla porn in the UK.  Read more…

Review: THE JOB by @JanetEvanovich and @LeeGoldberg

THE JOB BY JANET EVANOVICH AND LEE GOLDBERG AMBER LOVE 02-DEC-2014 For years, people recommended Janet Evanovich to me as an author I’d probably love since I get the most entertainment out of cozy mysteries but like a bit of action-adventure. I wasn’t finding much balance in my reading material. I do love the cozies […] Read more…