
Audio and video podcasts by AmberUnmasked and Vodka O’Clock podcast. Show notes at AmberUnmasked.com. Subscribe through iTunes or Stitcher. Interviews, news, or reviews about pop culture, entertainment, comics, gaming, cosplay, conventions, steampunk, burlesque, disabilities, mental illness, creativity, indie comics.

VODKA O’CLOCK 1331 with @JordanStratford on Wollstonecraft, female protagonists & scientists, & Wonder Woman

Jordan recently ran a very successful Kickstarter campaign to fund his book series WOLLSTONECRAFT, a fictionalized tale about young Ada Lovelace and her best friend Mary Shelley with cameos by other historical figures. He also has great theories on Wonder Woman. Read more…

VODKA O’CLOCK 1329: Literary Agent & Entertainment Lawyer Eric Ruben @rubenagency

Eric is a literary agent, entertainment lawyer, and actor. This is a very long edition of VOC, happily so. We hadn’t talked in a while so it’s about two hours of romance, erotica, sex, BDSM, LGBT, publishing, pitfalls, and my unbridled enthusiasm unleashed. Read more…