NaNoWriMo Writing Journal 2018

Witches at the White House

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First week after NaNoWriMo:

Now that NaNoWriMo’s daily schedule is over and I found that I had done remarkably well keeping a solid, steady pace, I backed off quite a bit. I had to get back to writing new cat detective posts and managed only one this week.

Gus and I have gone on a few adventures, but Wednesday I decided to stay inside. He was not happy.

Thursday, I had a lot of nervous energy because I taught my first class as a yoga teacher “on a schedule”. That sounds weird, but I’ve been subbing for months and I like subbing. Getting onto a regular is a milestone for yoga teachers.

I prepared for the class thoroughly, but afterwards — after receiving feedback before and after the class — I felt like throwing up in my car. I got home, played with Gus for a while, then returned to writing.

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Not much more gotten written, sorry to say. I only managed a couple hundred more words over the weekend before the laundry marathon. Although, I had a wonderful time decompressing (been stressed and having some nightmares) by watching The Meg. I loved it!

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