I made this dress in the winter of 2010 because I love bizarre versions of characters. I used steampunk, goth and Lolita influences. For details you can check out the tutorial.

I owe this fun little set to my BFF and comic book collaborator, Jay Fife. You’ve seen his name on this site a lot because I model for Jay and he’s the artist on one of my TEEN DETECTIVE comic short story. I have no idea what Jay plans to do with the Dark & Strange Alice Liddell of Wonderland but I guarantee it will blow the minds of everyone who sees it the way his steampunk Bride of Frankenstein did.

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6 Comments on Alice: Dark & Strange

  1. I don’t really see anything very Alice like about it, the only time it applies is with the apron, and even then it lack all victorian inspiration and the curious innocents that is Alice.

    • It’s an original interpretation with steampunk influence. My costumes almost always original variations that I’ve come up with a few exceptions. I wore this outfit to a couple steampunk events and they seemed to enjoy it.

  2. In my opinion… a pocket watch and goggles do not turn your outfit into Steampunk and Alice was a charming, innocent girl. So I agree with Cara. Neither Alice, nor Steampunk. I don’t know what the people at those events liked about it, sorry. I’ve seen amazing interpretations of Alice, but your version lacks too much.

    • Whatever. It’s a damn dress I made for fun. That’s what costuming is about.

      Part of steampunk is to embrace the quest for baubles with which to adorn yourself. People travel from convention to convention, etsy to etsy, and find treasures that they pin, zip, glue, and rivet to their ensembles. Everyone starts at square one. No one comes out of the piston-fired gate into a lavish outfit. Is that how things come off your magical sewing machine? You must be making millions of dollars in haute couture! I wish I had a magical sewing machine too!

  3. I don’t understand the fuss. “Steampunk” is a fictional construct, not an actual moment in history, therefore it’s open to interpretation because it all becomes fictional.

    This is a lovely costume, Amber. Pay no attention to someone who should have been sleeping at 2:47 am, or should have been paying attention to work at 10:18 am.

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